Bill Chamblee with a child at a camp

Sharing the Gospel of Christ Through Sports

Founded in 2008, Sports Ministry Outreach partners with churches all over the U.S. to hold four-day sports summer camps for kids ages 7-12. These camps teach basketball, soccer, or baseball skills while sharing the message of the Gospel. Thanks to donations, we are able to offer these camps at no cost to the churches or campers!

We believe that the fun of sports is a valuable tool for teaching biblical truths and a great way to reach your community. Sports Ministry Outreach is all about having a good time and mastering new skills while learning about Christ. Through four days of sports, young people discover the immeasurable love and unending grace of God.

Frequently Asked Questions


What does Sports Ministry Outreach provide for the camps?

Our goal is to make these sports camps as easy as possible for our host churches. To help ensure a successful camp, we provide the following at absolutely no cost to the church or camp participants:

  • Qualified Camp Leadership Team

  • Training for your volunteers

  • A camp shirt, a basketball or soccer ball, and a Bible for every camper

  • A positive outreach experience for your ministry

  • A clear salvation presentation

What does our church need to provide for the camps?

Churches participating in a Sports Ministry Outreach camp must provide the following:

  • Camp location (gym, sports field, etc.)

  • Promotion of the event

  • Registration of the participants

  • One volunteer per ten campers

What is the cost to my church for hosting a four-day camp?

Nothing! Sports Ministry Outreach does not charge the church or the campers for our sports camp.


When can I schedule a camp?

Today! Simply call (940) 367-8222 or email us at with your first and second choices of dates. View our camp calendar to see where we have openings.

How is Sports Ministry Outreach financially supported?

Sports Ministry Outreach is funded by donations from individuals and churches, as well as our annual golf tournament. Learn more about how to donate.

How can I get more information?

Contact Bill Chamblee by phone at (940) 367-2212 or by email at, or fill out our contact form.




“For 12 years, I have been blessed to work with SMO. Our yearly basketball camps have grown from 30 participants to 60+. It is such a well rounded camp with students learning not only basketball skills but sportsmanship, team play and most importantly the gospel!”

— Susan Ledkin, Hollybrook Baptist Church, Hawkins, TX

“I was impressed with Sports Ministry Outreach. Their team was a pleasure to work with and I was amazed at how well they connected with the boys and girls. In all my twenty years of ministry, I’ve never been more impressed by how much they taught the game of basketball while also sharing the message of Christ. I will never forget this week of ministry!”

— Bennie D. Fisher, Pastor of Eastview Baptist Church, Springfield, IL


I’ve had the opportunity to partner with SMO at several churches. They are a great organization. It was a joy to work with all off the staff, coaches and volunteers. I highly recommend SMO to lead your next sports camp.

— Jeff Dooley Executive Pastor Southmont Baptist Church


Our church thanks God for the many blessings He has brought to us through Sports Ministry Outreach! The SMO approach has allowed us to reach people with the Gospel. For example, many groups of children have come to camp each summer for the last ten years through our baseall, softball, and soccer camps; adults/parents bring those children and watch the kids play; and families gather at the end of each camp when we host a hot dog dinner at the campsite. Just as important, our SMO camps have taught our entire church family to be mission-minded through the many roles that we create at the sports camps. Most importantly, we have been blessed to see God work in the lives of participants as He has led many young people and even adults to receive Jesus into their lives.

— Mark Cole Faith Baptist Church, Fredericksburg TX